MONDAY: Tweens & Teens Icebreakers and Art

William E. Macken Park
1002 Clark Ferguson Dr, North Kansas City, MO 64116, USA
7/3/23, 7:00 PM
Join us for the first get together in the Tweens & Teens Summer Social Series!
Teens and tweens are invited to join us at Macken Park for some (voluntary) fun and fast getting-to-know-each-other games followed by an afternoon of art. We will have some supplies for drawing and painting, or you can bring your own supplies for whatever you’d like to do. Don’t want to do art and icebreakers? Just come hang out!
The $1 per tween/teen is a small attendance accountability fee and will be a donation to AnySchoolers (501c3 non-profit organization).  Hard times? Email for a special code for a free ticket to this event, as long as you guarantee your tween/teen's attendance. This is not a drop off event and a parent or adult guardian will be required to stay on site.