Matches Directory
The Life Cycle of a Small Group
One of the biggest questions caregivers face when they say that their children are homeschooled is, "How do they socialize?"
As homeschoolers ourselves, AnySchoolers knows that our families have plenty of socialization opportunities simply by being part of humanity.
However, making friends can be much harder. Our Matches Community is meant to be a consistent resource of connections for your family. There's no better way to feel welcome than to make consistent connections with other people.
How does it work?

Matches can meet in-person, virtually, or both.
Group systems in our Discord Supporter Server are based on sociology studies on in-group dynamics and the evolutionary psychologist Robert Dunbar's concept of super-families.
Families who road school, world school, or live outside of a hub area (such as Kansas City) can join virtual groups to stay connected while traveling or developing AnySchoolers hub groups in their areas.
After making a minimum donation to AnySchoolers, you unlock access to group life (and other benefits).
Once you're connected to the group through our AnySchoolers Discord Supporter Server, you have freedom to introduce yourself, set up meet ups and group get-togethers, set group goals, projects, and collaborate with other parents, and share resources and memories! Enjoy each other! The Supporter Server has places for communication and photo sharing, organizing group events, kids and teens online gaming, parent support groups, and so much more.
We value caregiver collaboration and support, and it's just as important for adults to feel emotional and relational safety as it is for children and teens.
Check in with us about your experience after a few weeks, and we'll make sure you and your children are finding meaningful connection within the group. We are so excited you're here and no matter how shy you or your kids are, we want to help you connect.

Multi-Age and Same-Age
Developmental professionals agree that multi-age classrooms and social settings give children a zone of proximal development that allows them to influence one another and share adaptations. Younger ones are exposed to scaffolding and suggestions that older children teach. Older ones have an opportunity to practice caregiving, empathy and self-regulation. This is particularly true for infant, preschool and elementary aged children.
As kids enter the tween and teen years, transitioning to adulthood, they enter a new stage of lifespan development that is about building industry, identity in relationship to society, peers, career and the environment, and intimacy with other young adults, as they move into their adult lives. While homeschooled teens enjoy hanging out with younger children, but prefer to also have serious conversation and connection with their peers.
In order to set tweens and teens up with groups who have shared experiences by the time they reach the teen years, we begin when they are young, giving them opportunities to connect with similarly-aged kids in informal pod gatherings, while also connecting with a multi-aged community in recesses, classes, field trips and other AnySchoolers programs.