The AnySchoolers Virtual Conference: Annual Burnout Buster, Parenting, Family and Mental Health for Homeschoolers

Online Conference (Link after registration)
2/25/23, 11:30 PM
Become a subscriber, and attend for FREE. Join us for a virtual conference with three clinical mental health professionals who understand families, have experience with homeschooling, and offer their support and knowledge in conference sessions.
This conference is free for AnySchoolers subscribers, and the cost for non-subscribers is only $60.00 (a $1500 professional hours value) - which the cost of an annual subscription with a growing list of benefits. So... just be an AnySchoolers subscriber, and the conference is FREE! Presenters have donated professional time to AnySchoolers to build up, encourage, and resource homeschooling families. All proceeds from the event are tax deductible and contribute to AnySchoolers’ mission.
Saturday, February 25th
4:30-5:30pm -- (Free and Open to All) - Pre-Conference - Homeschooling 101: Intro for the Curious and New
Official Conference Beginning:
5:30-7:00pm -- SESSION 1 -- I Don’t Know If I Can Do This Anymore: Burnout in the Parent as Teacher (Vanessa Knight, LCPC, NCC, CCMHC)
During Session 1, we will talk about February, a.k.a. Burnout Month, for teachers and and parents as teachers. Should you quit? Feel some guilt that you haven't done all the things you planned to in September? Wonder what the steps are out of the end of winter fatigue? Here's we go!
Sunday, February 26th
10:30am-12:00pm -- SESSION 2 -- Adult Relationships in the Context of Homeschooling: Marriage Partnering and Divorce Coparenting (Vanessa Knight, LCPC, NCC, CCMHC)
Homeschooling requires coordination and teamwork, on top of the "normal" teamwork required of married/partnered parents. There are more opportunities for conflict because families spend more times together, which means there's also more time for connection! We'll explore conflict cycles in the home. And we will also talk about how divorced parents can homeschool together, despite their differences.
12:00pm-1:00pm -- Lunch Break with Informal Q&A from 12:15-12:45pm
1:00-2:30pm -- SESSION 3 -- Addressing Anxiety in Children and Teens with the Attachment Relationship at Home (Ben Taussig, LCPC)
Description on it's way...!
2:30pm-4pm -- BONUS SESSION (Special Population): Homeschooling Your Adoptive Child (Heidi Fenton Speakes, RN, LMFT)
Are you finding that homeschooling your adopted child is more exhausting and stressful than it is joyful? Â You are not alone as this is a common theme amongst adoptive families. Â In this session, we will explore the intersectionality between adoption, attachment, and trauma. Â We will discuss the "why" behind the baffling behaviors and learn strategies to help calm the chaos and find more peace in your home.
4:00-5:00pm -- Question and Answer with Ben, Vanessa, and Heidi and Wrap Up
Bring your questions to the team! Use this time to share final thoughts, what you've learned, wonderings and curiosity that you have. We're here to resource and support!