KC: Sparklers Book Club

Lee's Summit
700 SW Pryor Rd, Lee's Summit, MO 64081, USA
2/6/23, 5:00 PM
We will be discussing certain chapters from a book and completing an activity related to the book. While the books are likely best for children 7ish - 10ish, I trust families to know if the content is acceptable for them. It’s a joyful celebration of a book to encourage reading.
After the Messy Art Monday event we will have our book club event. This book club is intended as a fun supplement to the Brave Writer Darts curriculum, but you don’t have to buy the Brave Writer curriculum to attend book club. My goal is for kids to have a chance to talk about the books they are reading and to have fun together while learning a bit.

 We will be discussing certain chapters from a book and completing an activity related to the book. While the books are likely best for children 7ish - 10ish, I trust families to know if the content is acceptable for them. Your family is not required to attend every session or read every book. It’s meant to be a joyful celebration of a book to encourage reading!
For more specific information on the sections of the books, we will be reading, please feel free to look at this Google Doc as a guide: Google Doc It will be updated for each book.
Book: Maya and the Robot by Eve L. Ewing
Chapters 1 - 6
There is a great playground at Hartman Park and picnic tables, so you might want to pack a lunch and stay afterwards to play.