Kansas City: Alpaca Show!

American Royal Hale Arena
1701 American Royal Ct, Kansas City, MO 64102, USA
3/31/23, 3:00 PM
"The annual shows offer fun for the whole family! Visitors will find hundreds of alpacas, many vendors who sell products made from alpacas, and demonstrations of spinning and other fiber arts."
Admission is free. Parking is free. Â Â We will meet at the entrance together at 10am and then everyone can stay as long as they'd like.Â
Here are some basic guidelines for getting to know alpacas at the alpaca show.
Please don't offer food or treats to the alpacas.
Please touch the alpacas only with help from the owners.
Do not go into alpaca stalls unless an owner gives his or her permission.Â
Use soft and calm voices around alpacas.Â
Be respectful.
Additional information here: https://mopaca.org/Visitors